Capturing Teachable Moments

Imagine a day when you have a fantastic lesson planned. You’ve gathered all the materials you need and can’t wait for the children to arrive and enjoy all of the great activities. Just as the day begins, little Katie bursts into the room with a branch of colorful fall leaves. The children crowd around her oohing and aahing over the bright colors. What happens next? Well, you could quickly thank Katie, put the leaves in the science center, and move on with the lesson you planned. On the other hand, you could see this as a teachable moment.

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The Power of Words

words-laughingThe words we speak to children have the power to convey love, acceptance, and care. When children are raised in an environment of positive reinforcement and support, they learn to give those gifts to each other. Research has repeatedly shown that these same children are better able to learn effectively and develop skills that will help them become successful adults and members of society.

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Honoring Veterans Day

Veterans Day falls on November 11 each year, honoring veterans of all wars in which the United States has fought, as well as those who are currently serving in our military. It was originally established to honor Americans who had served in World War I, on November 11 which is the day that war ended in 1918. Here are a few suggested ideas to observe this day in your setting and help children understand the importance of honoring our Veterans.

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30 Ways to say “Good Job!”

Give me fiveYoung children need plenty of encouragement when learning new tasks and practicing social roles. It can be difficult to constantly come up with unique words of praise, so we’ve created this list of phrases to use in addition to the words “Good job!”

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Halloween Guide

Tips for celebrating Halloween, plus alternate ideas for Fall celebrations!
by Judy Mullican

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