Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect and how we use that information. FunShine Express® takes the privacy of your personal information very seriously and will use your information only in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. We will not sell or rent your personal information or a list of our customers to any third party. 

This is a Privacy Policy as it applies to consumer visitors. This Privacy Policy is valid from the time you visit our website. If our information practices change in the future, we will only use data collected from the time prior to the policy change. We will contact you before we use your data for these new purposes and offer you the ability to opt out of these new uses. 

For website visitors who make purchases or otherwise sign on to our site...When you sign on to our site (for example, to request a supply catalog) we collect your name, company name, contact information, profile, and preference information. 

When you make a purchase we collect your name, company name, contact information, profile, preference information, and credit card information. We collect information about your current purchase and we keep information on your purchase history. 

This information is used only by us! The information is used to support your interaction with our site, to deliver your purchases, and to contact you again about other services and products we offer. 

Uses of Information... We use information such as addresses, phone numbers, and emails we collect from you in order to:

  • Provide customer service
  • Process your transaction(s)
  • Improve our products and services
  • Determine eligibility to receive offers on products and promotions

If you give us your postal address, we may send you periodic mailings on new products, services or information about FunShine Express®. 

If you supply us with your telephone number, you may receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders you have placed, potential future orders, new products, and services. 

If you supply us with your email address, we may send you periodic mailings on new products, promotions, services, or reminders. We also use your email address to confirm your online order and send you a shipping notification. Please note, users cannot opt out of online confirmation and shipping notification. They are for the benefit of the user and are in no way promotional. 

If you do not wish to receive mailings, phone calls, or emails from FunShine Express®, please let us know by contacting us. 

Questionnaires and Surveys...Throughout each curriculum year we may offer optional questionnaires or surveys to our curriculum users for such purposes as analyzing our curriculum, assessing users’ interests and needs, and collecting demographic information. The use of the information collected will be explained in detail in the survey itself. If we collect personally identifiable information from our users in these questionnaires and surveys, the users will be given notice of how the information will be used prior to participating in the survey or questionnaire. 

Access...Upon your request, we will provide you with a description of the information that we maintain about you. We will accommodate all reasonable requests. Please contact us. 

Security...FunShine Express® is committed to handling your information with the highest security standards. The security of your personal information is important to us. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your non-public personal information. VeriSign’s Payflo Pro is used to verify your credit card billing information, in order to ensure that the user is the person identified on the credit card and to insure against fraud. We also have secure socket layer technology in place for the safe transfer of sensitive information, such as when you fill out your online order form. 

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the information practices of FunShine Express®, you can contact us by:

Calling: 1.844.975.1275
Writing: FunShine Express®, Inc., 926E East Industrial Drive, Dickinson, ND 58601