Happy National Provider Day!

We Appreciate You!Montessori/Pre-School Class Listening to Teacher on Carpet

Being a child care provider can be very rewarding, but dealing with common challenges can make even the most seasoned provider want to pull out her hair sometimes! We just want to thank you for all of your hard work. We know you don’t always feel appreciated, but because of your time, energy, and dedication, children are having fun, learning, and feeling loved every day!

Thank you for . . .
. . . starting each day with a new slate.
. . . loving all of the children in your care—even on days when they aren’t acting so lovable.
. . . exposing yourself to and dealing with constant illness.
. . . educating yourself (often on your own time) and keeping up with the latest child development practices.
. . . teaching children to be respectful citizens.
. . . caring for a child even when his parents forget to pay you (again).
. . . continuing care past closing time for a child whose parents are late (again).
. . . fighting snaps, zippers, and buttons during every diaper change and restroom visit.
. . . helping multiple little bodies dress in coats, boots, shoes, hats, mittens, and other outdoor gear every time they go outside.
. . . providing nutritious meals—even when the cost often exceeds food program reimbursement.
. . . putting up with Daylight Saving Time and its effect on the children.
. . . often spending your own money on materials to make your child care a better place.
. . . proudly wearing spit-up, snot, dried food, and other mysterious substances on your clothing like a badge of honor.
. . . wiping up spills and cleaning up messes—repeatedly.
. . . for all activities involved in toilet learning.

We know you are superheroes for not only tackling these situations, but for still providing the best care possible for each and every one of your precious kiddos!

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