DIY Cubes For Dice or Blocks

Here’s a fun, easy, and inexpensive way to make large dice for games and math activities! Although dice can be beneficial for counting games, they are often difficult for young children to hold. In addition, young children who are just beginning to use one-to-one correspondence in counting may not be ready to count up to six dots. Standard-size dice also fit in a choke tube, making them a potential choking hazard. Here is a way to make your own cubes that are easier for young hands to handle, and—best of all—you can control the numerals or number of dots!

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What Can You Do with Plastic Eggs?

Even at full price, plastic eggs are usually fairly inexpensive. But with seasonal sales, you can often find them at give-away prices. When you find a bargain price, be sure to stock up. You will find so many ways to use the eggs for learning activities! Here are a few ideas to get you started, but you are bound to think of many more!

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Learn to Play

Mother and daughter playing with finger toysNeed a refresher on how to play with children? Many of us have forgotten how! Set aside that small task you were about to tackle, and join in your children’s fun. Try some of the tips below to make playtime interactive, reflective, and a great learning experience.

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Creating Policies and Procedures for Your Child Care

by Katie Brazerol

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10 Steps Toward Positivity

Mother playing with her child and encouraging him

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