Tips for a Safe Summer

Safe summer-playing with ballWhen the summer sun is shining, your little ones will be anxious to be outside. Spending time outdoors offers young children a chance to explore nature firsthand, exercise large muscles, and get plenty of Vitamin D from the sun. Just remember a few simple precautions to make sure the children stay safe:

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Talking about Death with Children

by Katie Brazerol

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Encouraging Independence

“I want to do it!” How often have you heard your child utter this phrase? It’s a true sign of a child trying to establish a new level of independence.

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Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! If you are a mother, this may be a time you reflect on what it means to be a mother. Every mother is different! Some mothers love to cook gourmet meals for their children, and others prefer to pick up take-out on the way home from work so they will have more time for togetherness. Some mothers love to sing and play instruments, and others are more likely to turn on the radio and dance with their children. Some mothers enjoy gardening, and others prefer their produce from the store. There are as many different styles of mothering as there are mothers. As mothers, it’s important for us to respect and support each other, even if we have different styles. The important thing is that we all love our children dearly.

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Happy National Provider Day!

We Appreciate You!Montessori/Pre-School Class Listening to Teacher on Carpet

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