Storytime Spotlight: Baby Animals

We are on cuteness overload with the Buttercups Book of the Month, Baby Animals! The May themes are all about growing up and we found a nonfiction book showing adult animals and their babies. The full-color photographs capture lions, ducks, cats, dogs, horses, and elephants as adults and babies.

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Let Them Out: Outdoor Play in the Early Years

Is there anything better than hearing a young child laugh as they jump in a rain puddle, run around the playground, or make pies out of mud? This may not be what is seen at some child care programs today. What happened to outdoor play for young children?

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Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World on Earth Day

As early childhood educators, we know that supporting children’s social-emotional development is crucial to their success in the primary grades, their relationships, their choice-making, and in essence, life. Every child has his own unique challenges in developing a sense of responsibility, self-regulation, and self-care. As we support children’s personal growth, we also need to consider how to encourage them to care for one another and for the world at large.

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Storytime Spotlight: Garden Rhymes

After the winter we’ve had here in North Dakota and other parts of the country, there’s no doubt in our minds that everyone is ready for spring! One way to celebrate the coming of spring is by sharing the board book, Garden Rhymes, with infants and toddlers during this month’s Buttercups themes.

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15 Activities to Celebrate NAEYC’S Week of the Young Child

The National Association for the Education of Young Children is hosting its annual Week of the Young Child™ (WOYC) from April 8 to 12, 2019. WOYC spotlights the importance of childhood, early learning, and family and community engagement in supporting children’s development. New this year, NAEYC is asking participants to Step It Up by expanding upon activities in unique ways. Follow the WOYC and Step It Up links to learn more about these initiatives. Below are 15 activities to help you celebrate in your child care setting.

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