WOYC Music Monday: Relaxing Playlist

Are you ready to celebrate the Week of the Young Child (WOYC)? This year, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) celebrates WOYC from April 1-7. As an early learning provider, you play an important role in supporting families and shaping the lives of young children! We’re sharing activities for each themed day to help you commemorate the exciting week with the children and families you serve. Check out NAEYC’s WOYC Overview to learn more about the event and how you can advocate for early learning in your area.

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FunShine Tells: Observation, Assessment, and Goals

By this time of the school year, most children have had the chance and opportunity to integrate into the new environment, adjust to new people, and learn the schedule. You have helped children socialize and interact with each other, promoted problem-solving, and given them the tools to enjoy a typical day in a classroom. And even though observing children’s behavior and development starts on the very first day they walk into your classroom, it is at this time of year that you can evaluate, measure, and compare children’s progress, mark very clearly where children are now, and set goals for the rest of the school year.

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FunShine Tells: Why, When, and How to Individualize

Individualization is a way to personalize or adapt the way we teach something to make it fit a child’s need or interest. By individualizing, we are redesigning a teaching strategy to make learning easier and more effective for a student or a small group of students who need more time, more information, or have some other interests or needs that cannot be covered as the activity was first designed.

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FunShine Tells: Supporting Bilingual Families and Children

As a Spanish-speaking person, I know first-hand the value of speaking two languages and being appreciated and respected for it. I have had the opportunity to have Spanish-speaking children in my classroom and one of the first things parents communicate is the peace of mind they feel knowing that their child’s bilingualism is familiar to me and that makes me great support to them. However, this only happened with children who spoke the same language as me. Every time I received children in my classroom who spoke other languages, the experience was as new and unfamiliar to me as it was for them.

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Dyslexia Awareness: Resources and Activities for ECE

By Andrea Ehlis-Chang

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