Let’s Play Outside!

The boy and girl playing to a sandboxWhen you recall your childhood, do some of your fondest memories revolve around unstructured outdoor play? Did you make dandelion soup and mud pies, create sand castles, and run through sprinklers? Was your favorite grade school subject “recess?”

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A Creativity Excursion

Children paiting on wooden easelArts and crafts help children experience and master a wide range of skills such as small motor control, eye-hand coordination, and concepts about color, size, shape, form, and texture. Art projects also help with language skills, sensory perception, independence, confidence, social skills, problem solving, and self-expression.

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Curiosity and Lifelong Learning

Children are naturally curious. They ask “Why?” and “What’s that?” several times a day, they take things apart, they wonder how things work, they are drawn to new things, and “messes” seem to find them within a matter of minutes. What a wonderful, exciting way to spend a day! Imagine having the natural desire to learn, explore, discover, and understand. Children have this drive. Curiosity can be sustained throughout life, leading to a lifelong love of learning. Here are a few things you can do to nourish children’s curiosity:

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Hip, Hip, Hooray! It’s Independence Day!

Brightly colorful fireworks in the night skyPicnics, parades, fireworks, and more are all part of the fun when we celebrate Independence Day on July 4th! This holiday commemorates the approval of the Declaration of Independence, which officially proclaimed our nation as an independent country.  In explaining the holiday to young children, we often speak of it as the birthday of the United States. In honor of this occasion, here are a few ways to celebrate:

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Preventing Injuries

7 Summer Safety Tips
by Kelley Jilek

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