Singing Through the Day

Singing and Clapping During Circle TimeSongs and young children go together like cake and ice cream! I once asked a mother of young children if she thought her children were ready to learn a certain concept. She told me, “They can learn anything if you put it in a song.” There’s a lot of truth to that! Just think how easily children learn advertising jingles they hear only a few times!

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Modeling Clay

A great way to help children strengthen their fine motor muscles is to provide activities that involve folding, sculpting, and manipulating clay and dough. Here’s an easy homemade recipe that you can use!

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The Importance of Play

Baby newborn in the shirt closeup on white background.When children play, they develop their knowledge of themselves and others, learn to make sense of the world around them, and learn to communicate with peers and adults. As children grow and develop, play changes, but the importance of it remains. There are a number of ways that educators and other adults can support play for various ages of young learners.

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Homemade Beach Sand

Not everyone is lucky enough to live near a beach, but you can bring the feel of beach sand to your backyard!

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10 Great Ways to Enjoy the Library

Have you visited your local library lately? Modern libraries are bright, cheerful places that offer an amazing array of services and activities. Here are ten great ways to enjoy your library:

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