Garden Activities for Kids

Children are fascinated watching things grow! Getting children involved in the garden provides great opportunities for them to learn about nature, growing plants, and different types of vegetables and flowers. And it’s a great way to incorporate outdoor activities! Here are some ideas to do with the children:

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Choosing Words Wisely

“Wow! You are a great builder!” Ms. Tammy says as she looks at Josh’s complex block construction. No doubt Ms. Tammy means her words to be encouraging, and Josh probably enjoys hearing them. But research shows us that these words are not the most likely to lead Josh to develop persistence and a willingness to try challenging tasks. Ms. Tammy’s words can be termed people praise. That is, they focus on the type of person Josh is rather than his actions. In contrast, process praise focuses on a child’s actions and efforts. Using this type of praise, Ms. Tammy might say, “You worked on that building a long time, Josh. You balanced the blocks carefully so they didn’t fall. I think it’s the tallest one I have seen you build so far! Did it turn out the way you were hoping?” These words draw attention to Josh’s efforts and actions.

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6 Tips to Encourage Healthy Eating

A healthy diet and lifestyle can never start early enough. MyPlate suggests that half of our plates should consist of fruits and vegetables. There are many factors that shape food habits and behaviors in children. Here are 6 tips for getting your little ones to try healthier foods:

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Scaffolding: One Way to Individualize Instruction

What happens when a child is not ready for a skill he experiences in the classroom? In most situations, the teacher provides assistance, perhaps by modeling, giving hints, or directly teaching the skill. This is called scaffolding. Many states are revising their standards for birth to five with increasingly difficult indicators to be mastered. Providers using state standards as a basis for creating lesson plans are challenged to find ways to scaffold these skills so children are adequately prepared for kindergarten. More and more pressure is falling on teachers to make sure children are meeting these stringent guidelines.

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Meeting Standards Using Themes

More and more states are publishing standards for early childhood programs. These lists are often long and may look intimidating! But when you dig deeper, most often you will find that the standards just put into words the good practices that you have been using for years.

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