The Power of Persona Dolls

Dolls are a common toy in early childhood settings. Children can often be found dressing, feeding, or reading to them in the dramatic play area. Dolls are universally recognized for their ability to support children’s developing social-emotional skills. It may come as no surprise that dolls also make great teaching tools, known as Persona Dolls.

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A Holiday Questionnaire How-To

Holiday Post SparklerCelebrating holidays in an early child care setting can be a wonderful and meaningful way to establish community. All cultures honor events, people, and beliefs that hold significance in unique ways. This reality can promote shared interests and it can also pose challenges. Knowing which holidays to celebrate in your setting is important to respecting the diversity, traditions, and values of the families you serve. Having a consistent protocol for how to approach holidays will facilitate how you plan activities and celebrations in your setting and how you communicate with families.

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Charlie’s Cues: Using the Family Newsletters

For years the home has been known as the child’s first school. It is during the early years that children begin to learn basic skills, routines, and tasks that stay with them forever and develop over the years. With this in mind, as part of our ongoing changes at FunShine Express, we have updated one of our components that facilitates communication between the two main environments of a child, home and school, the Family Newsletter.

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Learning Through Infant Care Routines: Indoor Play

Infants have daily needs that need to be met for them to learn, develop positive attachment to primary caregivers, and know they will be loved and taken care of. Most of these needs revolve around basic care routines. The FunShine Express Buttercups Babies kits were designed to incorporate activity ideas into these care routines to create meaningful interactions each day.

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Charlie’s Cues: Explore What’s New!

Let’s talk a little about what’s new! New are the children who will arrive at your center this fall. New is their energy and desire to learn. New will be the games, songs, and stories, and new will be the love that each child awakens in the heart of a teacher. New are the emotions that the beginning of a school year brings for children and parents, as well as for teachers and other members of the school staff. And all of us at FunShine Express know and understand that. Every year, we prepare, meet as a staff, and educate ourselves to offer all of our customers fresh and new material to use during the school year! I invite you to continue reading to see “What’s New” in your Fireflies and Buttercups kits for 2021.

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