20 Things to Do before Summer Ends

sisters in a museumI was approached by a child care provider in my neighborhood, and she said she’s been struggling this summer to find things to do to keep the children in her care, especially the older ones, from fighting and exclaiming, “I’m bored!”

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Fostering Children’s Social and Emotional Growth

Real People: Black African American Mother Talking with Toddler BoyA child’s ability to manage feelings, understand the feelings of others, and interact positively with others can affect all areas of his or her life. Research shows that children with good mental health are happier, motivated, interested in learning, and develop healthy relationships with their peers and adults. A child’s ability to develop strong social-emotional skills determines how well he or she will handle stressful situations during adulthood. Use the following tips to support children in identifying and managing feelings.

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Wonderful Watermelons

It’s time to celebrate the juicy deliciousness of everyone’s favorite summer fruit! August 3 is National Watermelon Day. So cut into a big juicy watermelon to share. Dig in with our fun facts, activities, books, and music:

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Let’s Play Outside!

The boy and girl playing to a sandboxWhen you recall your childhood, do some of your fondest memories revolve around unstructured outdoor play? Did you make dandelion soup and mud pies, create sand castles, and run through sprinklers? Was your favorite grade school subject “recess?”

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A Creativity Excursion

Children paiting on wooden easelArts and crafts help children experience and master a wide range of skills such as small motor control, eye-hand coordination, and concepts about color, size, shape, form, and texture. Art projects also help with language skills, sensory perception, independence, confidence, social skills, problem solving, and self-expression.

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