Positive Good-Byes

Most children experience some type of separation anxiety during infant, toddler and preschool years. The circumstances and ages can vary widely. Some infants become alarmed when held by someone they don’t know, while others are content. A toddler who has been happy in a child care setting begins to cry one day when being dropped off and continues this for the next several weeks. This behavior can be frustrating and concerning for both parents and caregivers. Should parents be worried? How can providers console the child and convince parents that all is well?

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Celebrate Grandparents!

by Cora Miller

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Following Directions

father and sonFollowing directions is an important life skill that spans several different areas of your child’s development. What we learn about following directions in our childhood can be the difference between enjoying success or experiencing failure in our ventures as adults. For example, a cook follows directions when trying a new recipe and a carpenter follows directions when constructing a new piece of furniture. Learning to follow directions is clearly an important part of our lives. Help your child learn to follow directions successfully by trying the suggestions below:

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Bring out Those Scissors!

Tips for Strengthening Preschool Cutting Skills
by Katie BrazerolMother cuts paper with his son

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The Building Blocks of Reading and Writing

Child with the bookPreschool is an exciting time for young kiddos. Along with the fun of meeting new friends comes the task of learning many new things. Reading and writing are core subjects that will build a strong foundation for learning for your child. You can help build that foundation with these 4 tips:

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